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Peloton Headquarters

New York
Livenza Raw San Selmo Corso

Building connections

The idea of a shared experience guided the design of Peloton Headquarters in New York, creating a comfortable, egalitarian workplace environment for their members.


The greatest inspiration of A+I – the architecture and design agency heading the project – was the community of creators met at Peloton, and their collective mission to support and empower their members. They aspired for their workplace environment to be egalitarian and of the highest quality, giving everyone throughout the organization equal treatment.

That ambition informed the creative direction for the project and served as an anchor for design decisions. As a result, central to the design was the idea of a shared experience – one of connectivity and community – to support every creator uniquely and equally, while maintaining perspective on the collective mission.


Brick was chosen after a thorough material research phase for a central “spine” wall that connects every floor of the project through a shared open space. The need was a material that would be constructed through aggregation, a process in which countless individual elements are combined to create an effect greater than its parts. In this way, the wall became an embodiment of the architectural mission.

“We spent a lot of time engineering a system for the brick wall that could achieve the complex stacking and rotating pattern we designed. This pattern was developed in response to Peloton’s branding collateral, which uses similar gradient patterns to express dynamic movement, appropriate for this active and stacked space” say A+I architects.


In addition to its construction logic, Livenza Raw Corso Selmo was chosen for its tactile qualities and variation in color and texture. For the desired effect to be achieved, each individual unit in the wall needed to have a distinct and “handmade” quality that set it apart.


Peloton Headquarters was awarded at SARA National Design Awards 2022 and received the Fitwel Impact Award 2022 as “Highest Scoring Project of All Time”.